Change Someone’s Life and You May End Up Changing Yours
Change Someone’s Life and You May End Up Changing Yours
There must be someone in your life who has a tremendous impact on your life. It can be your mom dad your mentor your sibling or it can be your friend. Sometimes a single blog or a single inspiring motivational video can impact your life a lot and can show you a different way to live your life happily and peacefully. Think about a time when you yourself weren’t believing your potential but someone believed in you, someone trusted your potential and your will power and their trust made you achieve your goal, Their trust their belief in you, changed your life completely and you learned a new way to live your life happily, We all individual has someone in our lives who motivates us, who inspires us and make us come out of our comfort zone and show us the real possible way where everything is possible if we believe in our strength and potential, for example for me books are my real motivation, they motivate me to live my life happily, learning and gaining knowledge changed my life, and with that changed I thought of changing others life by making them understand the value and importance of books and knowledge.
In your life your mentor your sibling your parents or your friend can be your motivation, Their trust and belief in you made you do so many huge things which you were finding difficult and impossible, their trust made you do impossible things possible, hence their motivation and believe on you has brought so many changes in you, hence instead of wasting that change you must make that change an inspiration for others, because the way your loved ones changed your life, you should become that change and spread positivity and motivation to others, you should become a person who impact in a positive way to others, because changing someone’s life for something good will end up making your life happy satisfied and peaceful. For example, one of my friends was going to his workplace and was waiting for a cab, suddenly a person came near to him and asked him for some kind of address, my friend said Are you going for an interview? He said yes but I am not getting any, so listening to this my friend told him that my office has a vacancy and you can apply there and I am sure you’ll be selected, This helped changed life of that man, that helped not only gave him job, but also made him understand that in this world kindness and kind hearted people still lives and he started trusting this world even more, and this helped of my friend not only helped the other person, but it gave my friend a new genuine friend, and also made him feel happy peaceful and satisfied, helping someone gives you more peaceful sleep and gives you a lot of motivation.
Hence instead of becoming a critic become an encourager, because this world has enough critic already, hence instead of influencing someone in a wrong way, be a good change in someone else’s life because that good change in others life will bring an awesome change in your life, will make you more positive, hardworking kind and satisfied. Suppose if you feel thirsty and you just can’t find any shop to buy a water, and suddenly you see a man who is carrying water, you were so thirsty and without a single thought you ask that man for water and that man immediately offer his water bottle to you, and told you that you can drink all water, then this kind behavior of his will make you remember him forever, whenever you see that person you will for sure smile or if needed you will be ready to help him, because he helped you and that helped of his changed your life and made you more kind towards other people, and person who motivates you to help you change you always stand out from the crowd and you will always remember them.
Hence now the question arises are you leaving a lasting impact on others? Because a single person can change your life completely, it only takes one person to change a life and you can be that one person in others life who can bring change in others life, and change someone’s life positively will end up changing your life by adding more happiness satisfaction and peace in your life.
Hence make difference in someone else’s life and add a positive change in your life
1. BE a mentor or an example
Be a good example, so that others find you their role model, other trust you and always respect you, be a mentor always motivate person, if someone feels low make them feel good, give proper advise if needed, always show right way and direction, be an example so that others always look up to you and always think of becoming like you for example instead of influencing someone to smoke, try to be a good example and tell them benefits of not smoking and if someone smoke stop them and tell them what health problems can happen because of smoking.
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2. Being a parent is not enough
A parent can influence their child a lot and can impact their child’s life in every aspect, hence having kids is not the same as being a parent, you must become an awesome parent , parent should raise their child to be kind, productive and self-reliant, and make your child understand about the importance of choices and right decisions this thing will bring so many positive changes in your kids life and it will end up changing yours by giving you satisfaction and happiness.
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3. Make a difference by being a good leader
Leaders not only think about their success, but leaders also take others towards success, hence try to be a leader share your success, don’t forget others, always take others along with you to the success journey. Leaders always pass the torch of happiness knowledge and learning to others, leaders not only think about their own benefits but also about others benefits.
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4. Always give wings
Always show the right way to others. If someone asks you something and you know its answer then don’t be selfish show them the right way, show them the right direction and give them the right advice which a person won’t get anywhere.
5. Importance of trust
Don’t be a boss who always thinks about profit or business but be a boss who builds trusting relationship, because the honest trustworthy relationship will bring profit for sure and always be supportive and kind with others or to employees.
6. Be a true genuine friend
Be a genuine friend, you should be a friend who demonstrates loyalty, be a friend who always supports and always stay beside, be a friend who not only stays in happiness but also in sorrows.
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7. Stand for injustice
You should be just, you should stand for truth, you should understand facts and talk logical, you should never argue with half knowledge, you should understand that half knowledge is as dangerous as ignorance.
Thank you.
Do share your views and share a person name or any blog or any mentor name that brings positive change in your life.