Top 10 Lessons I Learned from 300 Books
I love reading books, and I have found that they have helped me immensely throughout my life – both in terms of personal growth and making better decisions. In this blog, I will share my top 10 learnings from the 300+ books I have read. Hopefully, these insights will help you as much as they have helped me!
Top 10 Lessons I Learned from 300 Books
Lesson 10: Nobody has it figured out.
Why we exist has been up for debate since the dawn of time. And we’ve never been able to agree on a single answer.
For some, this question doesn’t faze them, and they go about their day as if existence isn’t bizarre.
But for others, it can lead to a maddening existential depression where they battle with the same questions as the great thinkers.
Such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Freud. “No Excuses” by Robert Solomon was the last book I read on existentialism until I realized I had no choice but to create my meaning for existing.
I hadn’t figured it out, but I could make peace with my existence.
Lesson 9: Lucid Dreaming could be the next superpower
Everyone is talking about colonizing Mars. But few are talking about colonizing the unconscious. To lucid dream is to be aware that you are dreaming.
It was first scientifically proven in 1975 by Dr. Keith Hearne after he recorded the predetermined eye movements of a subject while they were dreaming.
It is thought to be a way to access your unconscious mind. In a lucid dream, you have an experience nearly identical to reality, but there are no consequences, which gives it incredible potential.
For example, I could jump off a building to experience flying without the risk of dying. I could also practice public speaking without being ridiculed.
One of my favorite activities is eating boatloads of donuts without worrying about the physical health consequences.
But that raises the question of whether abusing my health in a lucid dream could cause me to reinforce reckless behavior in real life.
I don’t have the answer yet, but I know that if the world’s population maintained a lucid dream for one hour a night, every night for one year, it would add two trillion, 804 billion, 288 million, and 53,685 hours of potential productivity to the world.
Lesson 8: The distribution revolution is here
Sally has lots of stuff made during the industrial revolution, but it’s too much. So the problem does not have stuff; it is distributing the stuff.
And that’s what ultra-successful companies like Airbnb and Uber have figured out today.
Uber already realized many drivers were driving around with spare seats, so they found a way to distribute them; the company is now worth 48 billion.
It’s the same story with Airbnb, except they created a system to distribute spare rooms in people’s homes instead of passenger seats.
Use this idea to crush a business.
Lesson 7: Life is Straightforward
The other day I went to the bar for a digital nomad meetup. I approached a man in the corner and sparked up a conversation.
I asked him what he was good at, then proceeded to ask what the next three years looked like. He mentioned that his mission was to expand human consciousness.
I then replied, what does it mean to expand human consciousness? And at this, he was slightly startled; it got him thinking deeply, and the more and more I questioned him about it, the more and more it seemed he had no clue.
Before we knew it, we were diving deep into his emotional issues about his relationships, upbringing, and his, family, and frequent trips to therapy.
His face then burst into a stunted smile, and he said quizzically, “Are you a life coach or something?” I laughed at the idea as I’m only 23, but the point is that this man could not get over the fact that I seemed to have it all figured out.
And I told him that life is straightforward, but we insist on complicating it. For example, people in the health industry are confused about how do I be healthy.
Do I do the Keto or Slow Carb? Do I do kettlebells or Crossfit? Do I take this supplement or that supplement? To be healthy, all you need to do is get seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep.
Stay hydrated, eat healthy whole foods, don’t eat processed crap, and exercise five times a week. Do that, and you’re 90% there.
Lesson 6: Perhaps someone who can’t save himself can save others.
“Suppose I have the key to your chains, “why should my lock and your lock be the same?” Friedrich Nietzsche.
The contrary wisdom has always been that you can’t save others if you can’t save yourself. I don’t think there is a black-and-white answer; what do you think?
Can we help someone even if we can’t help ourselves?
Lesson 5: The solution to contradictory advice.
Gary Vee says, “Work Hard.” Tai Lopez says, “Work Smart.” who the heck do you listen to? Well, the answer is that all the advice is usually helpful; different people tend to emphasize different things.
So balance it out between listening to those who have a result you want to achieve and listening to yourself.
Lesson 4: Your life is a product of your environment.
You’ll probably become a Muslim if you are born in an Islamic-dominant country. Get born in a Jewish-dominant country, and you’ll probably become a Jew. This is the power of the environment in your life.
Another example is the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment. The prison environment undoubtedly affected the participants’ erratic behavior.
So forcing yourself to fall asleep at 9:00 p.m. every night will be difficult if your environment isn’t designed to support that.
You may live in an area where artificial lights are booming into your room that suppresses your melatonin, the chemical that helps you fall asleep.
You may be in a room where the temperature interferes with your body’s thermostatic functions that help you fall asleep.
So design your environment to support the lifestyle you want to live and the person you want to become.
I make my bed every day because it creates a clean environment. It affects the cleanliness of my thoughts and how I conduct my life in general.
Lesson 3: How you do one thing is how you do everything.
Paul is in the process of hiring his first employee. He goes to his mentor Dave for his best advice to hire the right guy for the job.
Dave looks at Paul and says without hesitation, “On the day of the interview, go out to the parking lot “and look at the state of his car.”
Paul felt confused, “What do you mean Dave?” “Look at the state of his car, messy car, messy life. “Messy life, messy employee. “Messy employee, messy business.”
So start your days by making your bed in the morning, and you’ll see a dramatic change in your life over the next few months.
Lesson 2: Focus on one thing
Distraction is the biggest reason you feel stuck and never achieve your goals. Picture this; Henry wants to be the number one bodybuilder in the world.
Each day he has eight units of energy to spend. He puts one unit into watching inspirational YouTube videos.
One unit into working out at the gym. Two units into watching Netflix. Two units into having a beer with his mates.
And two more units into researching another business idea. This is chaos. If he spreads his units thin, Henry will never become the number one bodybuilder.
He must dedicate eight daily units to tasks directly related to becoming the number one bodybuilder.
It’s a simple concept, yet most people get distracted by social media, chase the next opportunity, or have no clear goal, so they run around like a headless chook.
Lesson 1. Sometimes Reading is a waste of time.
Yes, I read 134 books before realizing I had no tangible results. I was still stuck at university studying something I hated, and I wasn’t traveling the world like I wanted to. I was fooling myself by saying I was improving by learning random things.
Ironically, my success went through the roof when I started reading less. How does that work? Well, you have to do the right things.