The Future Of Happiness Summary By Amy Blankson
Blog Title: The Future Of Happiness Summary By Amy Blankson
Name: The Future of Happiness: 5 Modern Strategies for Balancing Productivity and Well-Being in the Digital Era
Author: Amy Blankson
Download The Future Of Happiness at: Audible
Buy The Future Of Happiness at: Amazon
Book size: 240 pages
Before talking about the book The Future of Happiness Summary, Let’s first discuss Amy Blankson an author of The Future of Happiness. Amy Blankson is the only person who has named as Point of Light by two presidents (President Bush and Clinton), she received a presidential appointment to serve a five year term on the board of directors of the corporation for national service, and she was one the youngest delegates to the presidents’ summit for America’s Future. She is an award-winning author; she has done her BA from Harvard and MBA from Yale School of management.
In the book the future of happiness Amy blanks on discusses the role of technology in our lives, she says that we can use technology to fulfill our purposes and can use them to live our lives with more purpose, and rather than letting technology become a distraction from more meaningful and deliberate choices. Here author also shares the sharing studies and statistics about the effect that technology has on our brains and on our society. In this book, the author shares 5 strategies with the use of which we can control the power of technology that too without being overwhelmed by it.
Strategy 1 from The Future Of Happiness Summary
Stay Grounded
Through this strategy author want us to understand that how we can focus and channel our energy with intentions, means here author says that although our attention length or span is shorter than those small goldfish but still we can learn to become less distracted and can become for active and focused in the present moment in our lives, so that we can get into the greater sense of flow and can fully indulge ourselves in whatever activity we are doing,
The author says that we people can increase our awareness and intentionality by mindfully choosing where why how and when we should engage ourselves with technology, this strategy can help us to stay focused and can help us to channelize our energy in the right direction and help us to live a happier life.
Author has shared some ways through which e can stay in ground in the midst of the change
You must bring your priorities to the foreground,
You must focus on tuning in, instead of zoning out means lose concentration or consciousness
You must not only understand your intentions but others too
You must choose attentively that how you want to respond towards technology, would you like to embrace it, accept it or resist it
In order to improve productivity, you must hack your distraction.
Strategy 2 from The Future Of Happiness Summary
How quantifying your self-helps Elimination Limiting Beliefs
Here author says that having self- knowledge is powerful, if we people pay attention to every small decision which we take in our lives then we people can avoid limiting beliefs and can move or reach more towards our potential, Here author says that new technologies help us to understand our own bodies and mind on a detailed level, and also help us to make more proper and better decisions, However we people still need to understand or tap into the greatest supercomputer ever created and that is human mind.
Strategies of knowing thyself are
You need to check on your progress in your life so that you can understand and determine where you have achieved success and where you have chances of improvement.
You need to pay attention to every small detail of your decision so that can move towards your more attention.
To understand these chapters in more detail do buy this book from the given link.
Strategy 3 from The Future Of Happiness Summary
Train Your Brain
How to put together the building blocks of a smarter, happier mind
The author says that in Recent advances in positive psychology reveals that we people can train our mind to stay more positive and happy by using S.T.A.G.E. Framework i:e Savor, thank, aspire, give and Empathize.
Train your mind by
You must develop optimistic positive mindset so that it can fuel your growth
And you must use S.T.A.G.E. framework so that can learn skill to improve your mindset
For clearer and better understanding of these chapters do buy the book from the given link.
Strategy 4 from The Future Of Happiness Summary
Create a Habitat of happiness
How to build better happiness into our homes, workplace, and communities
With the arrival of this new and advanced technologies we people need physical and mental space so that we can use these advances properly and should use it in a way that it can fuel our growth, in this strategy we people understand and learn that how we people can use high impact organizing to regain control of our lives, and we can also set the effective limits and boundaries on our use of technology.
You can create a habitat for happiness by
By designing our workplace or place where live and learn in greater happiness, to understand each topic in detail do buy this book from the given link
Strategy 5 from The Future Of Happiness Summary
Conscious innovator
How to use Your innate power to shape the future of happiness.
Here author says that our future of happiness is directly connected by how we interact with and use technology today, our idea action and purchases send direct messages to investors and developers of new technology, hence we can help our country to create a better future by being conscious and intentional about how we involve ourselves in technology at present.
Download The Future Of Happiness at: Audible
Buy The Future Of Happiness at: Amazon
Thank you, be wise and be attentive towards using today’s technology, you can create a huge contribution in order to make our country a developed country. By proper understanding of how why and where you should use and indulge in technology, through this you will not only improve your life but also can give a huge contribution towards our country and community.
Thank you for sharing. such a nice thing……