Daring Greatly Summary
Daring Brief Greatly Summary
In Daring Greatly Summary, will discuss how author Brown explains that Vulnerability is both the core of difficult emotions, grief, and disappointment and the birthplace of love, innovation, empathy, and creativity. The author says “When we shut ourselves from vulnerability, we distance ourselves from the experience that brings purpose and meaning to our lives.”
Daring Greatly is not about winning or losing, it is a practice and a powerful new vision for letting ourselves be seen. Daring Greatly helps readers to free themselves from the prison of vulnerability, and help them to see being vulnerable as a desirable emotional state.
Why Read “Daring Greatly”
Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable or to dare greatly. Based on twelve years of pioneering research, Author Brene Brown dispels the cultural myth that Vulnerability is a weakness, she argues and says that no it is not true, Actually, it is our most accurate measure of courage.
About Author “Brené Brown”
Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she held the Huffington – Brené Brown Endowed Chair. She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead. Her most recent book was released in October 2018 and is the culmination of a seven-year study on the future of leadership.
Daring Greatly Detail Summary
Chapter 1: Scarcity- Looking Inside our culture of ‘NEVER ENOUGH’
(Too many Narcissist that there is no place to swing a dead cat)
Brene further says that many of us have two things in common- fear and feeling of scarcity. she further says that the moment she started exploring the concept of freedom in life. she realized that feeling of scarcity- the feeling of never being, having, or doing enough and the fear are the two things that Lord wants us to be free from.
Brene further discusses the culture of narcissism example: crazy, self-absorbed celebrities, nonstop selfies and using the number of followers and likes we have on our social media pages just to measure our self-worth. The author says that we all are vulnerable to this modern day narcissism. And the reason for this is the Shame-based fear of being ordinary.
Every individual in this world somewhere in their heart wants to be seen, heard and wants to be valued and acknowledged, Many people are afraid that if others saw them the way they are in real- then they won’t like them. hence they enter in the obsession world where they present the perfect picture of their lives.
The source of Scarcity:
Author words: Scarcity doesn’t take hold in culture overnight. But the feeling of scarcity does thrive in shame-prone cultures that are deeply steeped in comparison and fractured by disengagement. (By a shame-prone culture, I don’t mean that we’re ashamed of our collective identity, but that there are enough of us struggling with the issue of worthiness that it’s shaping the culture.)
Three Source of Scarcity:
Shame, comparison, and disengagement.
Two Eye-opening questions asked by Brene Brown:
How are our struggles and behaviors related to protecting ourselves? How are our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions related to vulnerability and the need for a strong sense of worthiness?
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Chapter 2: Debunking the Vulnerability Myths
Myth #1: Vulnerability is a Weakness
The author says that the perception that vulnerability is a weakness is the most widely accepted myth about vulnerability and the most dangerous. Brene says that when we protect ourselves and run away from the feeling of vulnerable or from being perceived from being too emotional, we feel contempt when others are less capable or willing to mask feelings, suck it up, and soldier on, Brené says that we have come to a point, that rather than respecting and appreciating the courage behind vulnerability, we let our fear and discomfort become criticism and judgment. Brene says “Vulnerability isn’t good or bad: It’s not what we call a dark emotion, nor is it always a light, positive experience. The vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings.”
Myth #2: I don’t do Vulnerability
Many times many people say that they don’t do vulnerability, when they will grow they won’t be vulnerable but the author says, Unfortunately, there is no “get out of vulnerability free” card. We can’t opt out of the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure that’s woven through our daily experiences. Life is vulnerable.
When we were children we used to think that ones we will be grown up we would no longer be vulnerable, but the fact is to grow up we should accept vulnerability. To be alive is to be vulnerable.
Myth #3: Vulnerability is letting it all hang out
Brene says Vulnerability is based on mutuality and requires boundaries and trust. It’s not oversharing, it’s not purging, it’s not indiscriminate disclosure, and it’s not celebrity-style social media information dumps. The vulnerability is about sharing our feelings and our experiences with people who have earned the right to hear them. Being vulnerable and open is mutual and an integral part of the trust-building process. Vulnerability without boundaries leads to disconnection, distrust, and disengagement. We need to feel trust to be vulnerable and we need to be vulnerable in order to trust.
Myth #4: we can go it alone
Here author says that nothing has transformed her life more than realizing that it’s a waste of time to evaluate her worthiness by weighing the reaction of others in the stands. The author doesn’t want you to misunderstand, going alone means to stay away from peoples criticism. don’t allow others opinions and judgments to break you. You should be with people who support you and want you at the top.
Brene says the vulnerability journey is not the kind of journey we can make alone. We need support. We need folks who will let us try on new ways of being without judging us. We need a hand to pull us up off the ground when we get kicked down in the arena.
Read More: 12 Rules for Life Summary
This is the end of Daring Greatly Summary. These are the only 2 chapters, to understand this book in more details you can get Free Audiobook from Audible or buy from Amazon.
Thank you.
Pretty nice and clean summary.