The Success Principles Summary By Jack Canfield
Blog Title: The Success Principles Summary By Jack Canfield
Name: The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Author: Jack Canfield
Download The Success Principles at: Audible
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Book size: 512 pages
About Author: Jack Canfield:
Before talking about the book The Success Principles Summary let’s first discuss the book’s author Jack Canfield. Jack is the co-author of the #New York Times best-selling chicken soup for the soul series, his chicken soup book has been sold more than 115 million copies in 47 languages. He is also the author of the Success Principles, The Aladdin factor, dare to win, The power of focus and the key to living the law of attraction. Jack is also a featured teacher in the movies The secret and the tapping the source, Jack has also appeared in more 1000 radio shows and television programs which includes OPRAH win Frey show, Montel, Larry King Live and the Today Show. Jack is also a leader ofCanfieldd training group and also the founder of the transformational leadership council. He has graduated from Harvard University and also from the University of Massachusetts, and he lives in California with his wife.
The Success Principles Summary is a mixture of tips, tricks, and skills, Jack Canfield is one of the best motivational speakers. He is one of the best-selling authors who has written a classic chicken soup series, The book success principles cover 64 principles of success which covers a wide variety of subjects like love, finances, relationship, interpersonal relationship. In this book, author provides various stories related to celebrities and about people who have used these principles in their life to achieve success and greatness. If anyone practices these principles daily then it will for sure make people realize their goals quickly and easily.
Let’s discuss The Success Principles Summary in detail
Part One of The Success Principles Summary: fundamental of success
Principle 1: Take 100 % Responsibility for your life
In this Principle, author says that We people must take personal responsibility. The author says that we maybe can’t change circumstances, we maybe can’t change the season or the wind, but the thing which we can change is our own selves,
In this chapter author says that we people believe that we are entitled to a great life- that somehow, somewhere, someone is responsible for filling our lives with continual happiness, we believe that there’s someone who will give everything to us, will be given exciting career, blissful personal relationship and nurturing family time just because we exist.
But author says that the real truth is something very opposite of our belief and thinking, and this chapter and this entire book is based on that one real truth is That one person who is responsible for everything in your life is no one But You, that one person on whom your entire quality of life depends in no one But It’s You. Hence author says that if you want to become successful then you have to take 100 percent responsibility for everything that you experience in your life. Everything includes every aspect of your life, your relationship, career, health, fitness, work-life, job, Your Feelings- Everything means everything what happens to you or in your life is your responsibility.
We people like to blame others for everything, we blame our parents, siblings, friends, outside environment, government, society, but we fail to see the real problem, we fail to see that problem is not outside but the real problem is inside, we never want to look at where the real problem is-ourselves.
Author says in order to take 100 percent responsibility you need to give up complaining, you need to give up blaming, author also talk about that we people most of the time complain to the wrong person, we complain to those who just can’t do anything about that complain, for example we come to home and complain to our spouse about our work place or boss, we go to office and complain about home issues with our friends why we do this, the reason for this is because it’s less risky, it takes courage to say the right thing to right one, for example, if you are not happy with your spouse cooking or with house system then tell your spouse about it instead of complaining, author says that we people should replace complain with request and actions, because requesting and then taking actions accordingly will give you desired outcomes.
Principle 2: Be Clear Why you are here
Here author asks you to learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose.
Author says that he has a believe that everyone who is living or born in this world has some kind of purpose, hence we people must identify that purpose should acknowledge it and should honor that purpose because acknowledging life purpose and taking action accordingly will make our life successful and people who become successful in their lives they for sure take important actions towards their life purpose. People who achieve something huge in their lives they take time to understand what they are here to do- and when they understand their life purpose they pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.
In this principle author has shared his personal story that long ago he discovered his purpose, he discovered for what he has given this life, what is his life purpose, how he understood about his passion, to have detail understanding about this book do buy it from the given link.
Principle 3: Decide what you want
Here in this principle author says that indispensable first step in order to get things what you want in your life is to decide what you want. The author says that ones you understand that why you are here, what is your purpose, then after that you need to decide what you want to do, and what you want to have? What do you want to accomplish in this world? What all experience you want to see ad face? And you must understand what all possessions you want to acquire? You need to decide that what journey you want to face means from where you are to where you want to be, you have to decide where you want to see yourself, in short, you need to decide what success is according to you and what does success look like to you?
The author says that one of the important reason why many people don’t get what they actually want from life is because they never understand or decide what they want to do and what they want they fail to define their desires in a clear way.
Principle 4: Believe it’s possible
The author here says that number one problem which never allows people to get what they want is their lack of self-believe, people lack belief in them. In this principle, the author has shared napoleon hills saying ones he said that “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
The author says that our mind is such as awesome and powerful instrument, that it has the capability to deliver you everything you want, but in order to make your mind deliver you what you want at first you need to believe that yes its possible.
Part 2 of The Success Principles Summary: Transform yourself for success
Principle 1: Drop out of the “Ain’t it Awful” club.. and surround yourself with successful people
Here author says that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, author says that you become like the people you spend the most time with, hence author says that no matter how much you pay but stay around extraordinary people, spend your most of the time with people who are extraordinary and who has life purpose and goals.
Principle 2: Acknowledge your positive past
The author says that you people must look back on your life as a good days work and must see a positive side of your past and should feel that past work has been done and you are satisfied with it.
Principle 3: Keep your eye on the prize
The author says that it’s really very easy to become negative or unmotivated but it’s hard and takes some efforts and work to be positive and motivated. The author says that there are no off buttons for those relentless “tapes.” But the author says that there are things which you can do to shift your focus from the negative to the positive.
The author says that successful people always keep their positive focus on life no matter how tough situation they see or how worst situations goes around them. The author says that successful people focus on their past successes they never keep their focus on past failures, and they keep their focus on next steps which they need to take in order to reach their next big goals, they never allow any distraction to distract them in their present. They stay positive and optimist about their chosen objectives.
Principle 4: Clean up your messes and your incomplete task
The author says that if a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind then what is the significance of a clean desk?
In this principle author has shared a diagram as an answer for a clean desk, the author has shared a diagram of the cycle completion
The cycle of completion
- Decide
- Plan
- Start
- Continue
- Finish
- Complete
The author says that in order to complete your project or any work then you need to follow this cycle of completion properly, need to take actions properly.
This is the end of The Success Principles Summary. Author has shared various success principles and parts in this book in order to understand each part and principle in detail do buy this book from the given links:
Download The Success Principles at: Audible
Buy The Success Principles at: Amazon
Buy The Success Principles at: Flipkart
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