Happy for No Reason Summary By Marci Shimoff
Blog Title: Happy for No Reason Summary By Marci Shimoff
Name: Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
Author: Marci Shimoff
Download Happy for No Reason at: Audible
Buy Happy for No Reason at: Amazon
Buy Happy for No Reason at: Flipkart
Book size: 336 pages
Before discussing about today’s book summary “Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out” let’s first talk about book’s author Marci Shimoff. She is the women’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history. She has six best-selling books including chicken soup for woman’s soul and chicken soup for mother’s soul. This book of hers has seen a tremendous success almost 13 million copies have been sold more than 33 languages and this book of hers has been on the new york time bestseller list for 108 weeks. Marci is one of the best seller nonfiction authors of all time, her new book happy for no reason, on which I will be sharing today’s book summary offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness.
Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out book author shares 7 steps to being happy from the inside. In this book author says that women or people spend half of their lives learning to be confident, but the secret to attract anyone is not your self-esteem but happiness, its being happy, your happy nature comes first to attract someone, author says happy women are the most attractive women, and this book teaches you ways to stay happy from inside out. This book will not help you to attract the love of your life but also helps you to maintain that happiness throughout your life.
Happy for No Reason book contains several part and chapters, will discuss 7 main steps which help you to stay happy for no reason,
Happy for No Reason Summary Part 1:
Part one talks about happiness that’s here to stay, author says that the joy she has today, is hers, the world has not given her so the world can’t take it
This joy I have the world didn’t give it. The world can’t take it away- Shirley Caesar, gospel singer
Chapter 1 and 2:
Chapter one and two discuss on happy for no reason and how to practice happiness.
Happy for No Reason Summary Part 2:
Chapter 3: The Foundation-Take Ownership of your happiness
Under this step author explains, that she searched and interviewed 100 happy people and after interviewing all of them author came to know the reason behind their happiness wasn’t any external force or external world, under those 100 people many people lack on the things which society says it necessary to be happy, such as wealthy, loving spouse etc. those happy 100 peoples were not having things which fit under society norms but the only thing they were having was qualities of inner happiness, they had quality of compassion, purpose, gratitude, acceptance, openness and they all had the ability to fully present at the moment.
Here author says that to build a foundation of happiness, a person should understand that happiness in a personal choice whether you experience happiness or negative emotional states. Here author says being happy is not about intense feeling or denying of emotions, through this part author wants to make readers understand that there is a neurophysiological state of feeling calm, inner peace, author says by changing habits and instead on dwelling on problems try to focus on finding out solutions and learning through life lessons and empowerment people can help to build foundation for happiness.
Chapter 4: The pillar of the Mind-Don’t believe everything you think
In this second step author ask readers and people to ask questions to their thought, research says that more than 60 thousand thoughts people usually have every day, people think about their failure and feel sad and also think about past difficulties and painful memories, hence author say if you people question your negative thoughts and turn them into positive possibilities then people can create positive thinking.
Chapter 5: The Pillar of heart-let love lead
Here author says that whenever people think of happy moments their heart feel happy and energetic and feel warmth in their hearts, and as we all know that human heart has its own energy and feelings, the difference between negative and positive energy is negative energy filled collapse in heart whereas positive energy expand heart, if you practice the exercise of feeling gratitude, forgiveness and compassion these things will open heart and increases the flow of positive energy.
Chapter 6: The pillar of body-make your cells happy
Here author says that our body can help and support to improve and increase happiness in us, every single action taken by body can help to increase happiness such as how we breathe, move, eat and even through facial expressions can support our happiness, hence author recommend readers to do physical activity, abdominal breathing, and also asked to eat fresh fruits and food and also asked to drink water and author ask to cut out bad foods more sugar and caffeine so that removing bad diet can promote healthy body and balanced hormones.
Chapter 7: The Pillar of the Soul-Plug Yourself to spirit
In this chapter, the author hasn’t recommended any particular religion but has explained the benefits of having faith and connecting to a higher power are explained. In this book author ask readers to do meditative and visualization exercises which can help to hear inner voices, and can also help readers to connect to the higher power and can feel more relaxed and calm and happy, here author says happy people do not always have everything to figured but they are happy because they trust that thing will work out and this trust gives them inner peace.
Chapter 8: The Roof-Live a Life Inspired by purpose
Here author says to find out the purpose of their lives to stay happy, author says that any particular job or profession can never give you happiness automatically, in this book author shares several exercises to discover their purpose, and these purpose gives meaning to life and give happiness.
Author has shared several sub pointers such Find your passion, follow the inspiration of the moment and contribute to something greater than yourself.
Chapter 9: The Garden –Cultivate Nourishing Relationships
In this chapter author talks about people, some people are supportive and some drag other people or friends down, hence this chapter author talks about how we can cultivate positive friendship and can promote happiness, this chapter talks about the mirror neurons which are the cells in brain which are responsible for why people tend to behave and mimic the body language of other people around them, for example, you must have seen that someone yawns and smile so looking them even you do the same, you don’t do it to tease them but you do it as empathy, hence you should surround yourself with people who pass positive feelings.
The author also discussed some sub pointers such as Tend to your relationships, surround yourself with support and see the world as your family.
To have detail understanding do get this Happy for No Reason book from the given links:
Download Happy for No Reason at: Audible
Buy Happy for No Reason at: Amazon
Buy Happy for No Reason at: Flipkart
In every moment of our life…we should never be in a state of Topsyturvy……we should have a fixed decision making ability…..
Then HAPPINESS is ours…
Please provide audio book of that?