The Power of Intention Summary
Blog Title: The Power of Intention Summary
Name: The Power of Intention
Author: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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Book size: 272 pages
About Author:
Before talking about The Power of Intention Summary, let’s first discuss the book’s author DR. Wayne W. Dyer. He is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He is the author of 28 books.He has created many audios, CD’s and videos and has appeared on many television and radio shows and programs. Wayne books Manifest your destiny, wisdom of the ages, There’s spiritual solution to every problem and the new york times bestsellers 10 secrets for success and inner peace, Wayne’s The power of intention book inspires and changes your thoughts. This book changes your life and also have been featured on national public television specials.
Power of intention summary isn’t just typical book on intention. Wayne has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book talks about intention not as something you do but as an energy you are part of. The author says that every people are intended here through the invisible power of intention. Wayne is the first person in this industry who has seen intention as a field of energy that we can access to begin co-creating our lives with the power of intention.
Let’s understand The Power of Intention Summary in more detail
Chapter 1 The Power of Intention Summary: The Essential of Intention
In this chapter author says that whenever you face low energy then visualize that trolley strap is hanging down from the field of intention 3 feet above your head, author ask you to imagine that you are floating up and allowing the trolley strap to carry you to your built-in intention, author ask you to say intention or intent whenever you feel anxiety, author ask you to say to yourself that you are here in this world for some purpose, author ask you to remind yourself that yes I can accomplish anything I desire, author ask you to act as if anything you desire is already here.
Chapter 1 The Power of Intention Summary: Connecting to Intention
Author says in order to realize your desires you must first match them to your inner speech, author says that our inner speech mirrors our imagination and our imagination is linked with spirit, author ask you to think from the end, feel everything as you already have it author ask you to remember seven faces of intention.
7 faces of intention:
1. Be Creative
Here author ask you to trust your own purpose author ask you to have an attitude of unbending intent in your daily thoughts and activities, the author says that staying creative means giving form to your personal intentions.
2. Be Kind
The author says that by giving and helping others we receive, author asks you to stay kind to your own self, author says that we people should be kind to others, we must be kind to our life and to others life. Author says that whatever in this world is manifested is brought here to grow, it takes kind power to want what it creates to grow and multiply.
3. Be Love
Author says that we people are intended out to love and you must love in order to intend, author says that love is co-operation not competition, author says that love is the force behind the will of God, author says that it’s the spiritual vibration that carries divine intention from formless to concrete expression.
4. Be Ever-Expansive
Author says that by being in an ever-expanding state and growing intellectually, spiritually and emotionally you are identifying with the universal mind.
5. Be Abundant
Author says that our intentions are endlessly abundant, author says that we become what we think about, hence always think positive and think what you always want, author says that there is no scarcity in the universal invisible world of spirit.
6. Be receptive
Author says that this universal mind is ready to respond to anyone who has understood the true relationship with it, author says you to stay connected because you will receive all that this power is capable of offering, author says that the nature of universal mind is peaceful.
In this book, author has reminded us of 6 “EGO” beliefs
1. I am what I have. My possession define me
2. I am what I do. My achievements define me
3. I am what others think of me. My reputation defined me
4. I am separate from others from everyone. My body defines me as alone
5. I am separate from all that is missing in my life. My living space is disconnected from my desires
6. I am separate from life depends on God’s assessment of my worthiness.
Chapter 3 The Power of Intention Summary: ACT AS IF
Author says act as if everything you desire is already there with you. Aauthor asks you to treat yourself as if you already have everything you always wanted and desire about, author tell you to ask yourself what do you want to be? What’s your ideal? Are you in perfect physical shape? Are you happy enlightened? Author says whatever you want whatever it gets that image and then on a moment to moment basis act as if you already were that person. For example, if you imagine yourself as a perfectly healthy person then you must think that what that person would be doing now, what diet healthy person will follow and you must act accordingly.
Would you like to activate your connection to the power of intention?
Author says that if you want to activate your connection to the power of intention then that process will go through 4 stages
1. Discipline
Author says in order to build a connection with the power of intention you must first build a strong habit and realign with your body, you must do the things you should do, means you must stay healthy by eating a healthy diet do exercise etc. Author ask you to live with integrity to your ideal self.
2. Wisdom
Author asks you to combine wisdom with discipline as you harmonize your feeling and mind with the work of your body.
3. Love
Author asks you to love what you do and do what you love.
4. Surrender
Author say that this is the place of intention where your mind and your body no longer run the show.
Chapter 1 The Power of Intention Summary: Connect to service
Author says that if you want to feel connected to your own purpose then you must know that your purpose will only be found in service to others and by being connected to the something far greater than your mind/body and ego. The author says that you feel more towards your purpose when you give your life away for serving to others. Aauthor says that when you give your planet, to a source then you are living more purposeful life. Author says when you help someone when you do something for others by detaching yourself from any benefit or outcome then you’ll feel more purposeful happy and peaceful.
These are some chapters from an amazing book The power of intention. to read this book in detail do buy it from the given links.
Download Free Audiobook at: Audible
Buy The Power of Intention at: Amazon
Buy The Power of Intention at: Flipkart
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