Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary

Blog Title: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary
Name: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
Author: Elizabeth Gilbert
Download Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Audible
Buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Amazon
Buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Flipkart
Book size: 304 pages


Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear
Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear

Before talking about the book Big Magic Summary let’s discuss the Author Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth M. Gilbert is an American author, essayist, short story writer, biography, novelist and memoirist. She is best known for her 2006 memoir Eat, Pray, Love, it has been one of the New York Times bestseller book and this book was also made into a film by Julia Robert in 2010.

In Big Magic Creative living beyond fear summary, author Gilbert, has shared her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, and also show us that being creative is so easy,  in this book author also shares the shattering the perception of mystery and suffering that surround the process. In this book author has shared her own personal story and also shared her friends story  and also shared story of people who have inspired her, in this book Elizabeth ask us to understand and embrace our curiosity and to also tackle what we love and to face down what we fear the most,  you should understand what you love this book big magic will take you on a journey of exploration which is filled with wonder and unexpected joy. In this book, author Gilbert will break out your creative ruts and also help you to find happiness and fulfillment in your work and also help you to overcome your fear.

In the Big magic book, the author gives you the courage which you need to pursue your creative interest this book shows you ways to deal with your fear and allow you to notice your ideas and make to act on them and also ask you to take the stress out of your creation.

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary is divided into 6 parts

  1. Courage
  2. Enchantment
  3. Permission
  4. Persistence
  5. Trust
  6. Divinity

Let’s discuss each part in detail

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary Part 1: Courage

In this part author ask us to think about a time when we were courageous in our creative life, in this part author says that maybe at some moment you must have tried your hand at fiction after always writing poetry or picked up watercolors for the first time in years or you must have sung karaoke in front of all your friends.

Here author want you to discuss want you to ask yourself what did that look like for you? how did you fee;? What inspired you to be courageous?

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary Part 2: Enchantment

In this part author talks about An External daemon of creativity- a being the ancient Greeks and Romans believed lived in the walls of your home and aided you in your labors. The author said in the Big Magic book that The Romans were referred to Daemons as YOUR” Genius- Your guardian deity, the conduct of your inspiration.” The author says that you were not a genius, you had a genius.

Here author wants you to draw, here author Gilbert wants you to think that how your daemons of creativity would look like? And ones you think it takes pen and paper and draws away.

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary Part 3: Permission

In this part, the author says that defending yourself as a creative person begins by defining yourself, the author says everything begins when you declare your intent, you need to stand up tall and need to say it aloud, whatever it is.

Here author wants you to declare, here authors want you to declare that who is in your heart of hearts, are you?  The author wants you to declare to yourself that who you always secretly wanted to be? Who you wanted to be always? And ones you declare it to yourself write it down and then take turns saying it. And ones you say it realize how you felt, did saying it loud made you feel happy did it change anything for you?

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary Part 4: Persistence

In this part, author talks about the divine relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration, here author wants you to ask yourself what big magic do you want to make?

Ones you ask this to yourself then author ask you to commit, in that commitment author ask you to write down fiercely without feeling afraid or without getting scare about four creative tools,  after writing those four creative tools put that on your fridge, tuck it into your books, hang it beside your door, put that four creative tools anywhere and in such places where it will remind you about your big magic inside you.

These were the 4 parts out of six, to understand each part do buy this book from the given link.

Download Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Audible
Buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Amazon
Buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear at: Flipkart

Let’s discuss some key lessons from the book Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear Summary

1. Give yourself permission

In this author want us to understand that you need to give yourself permission to create something to start something even if you start at zero.

For example,  if you have a thought in your mind that you want to start writing blog or anything, then for atleast few seconds it will stay with excitement and enthusiasm, but as few second go your mind will be hit by fear, doubts will start kick in,  and this fear and doubt will make you lazy and you will  procrastinate your work and because of all this you will run out of things to say after a week, you start giving excuses to not do your work, all negative fear will start getting in to your brain and this negative self-talk will not allow you to give yourself permission.

But you need to overcome it by giving yourself permission by saying that you will start no matter if it’s from the scratch or from zero.

2. Keep your day job and let it fuel your creative affair

Author has also shared various key lessons, such as Keep your day job and let it fuel your creative affair, the author said that after returning from your day job free yourself from bill payments and daily necessity bills stress and make yourself creative and so something which you like the most.

Quote from Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear:

Do whatever brings you to life, then follow your own fascinations, obsessions and compulsions, trust them, create whatever causes a Revolution in your heart.

There are many more such useful and creative tips author has shared in her book big magic, to understand each part in more detail do buy this book from the given link.

Thank you.

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