Ask and It is Given Summary

Ask and It is Given Summary

Blog Title: Ask and It is Given Summary
Name: Ask and It is Given: Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction
Author: Esther HicksJerry Hicks
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Book size: 352 pages

About Author:

Before talking about Ask and It is Given Summary let’s first discuss the book’s author Esther and Jerry Hicks. Esther and Jerry both began disclosing their amazing Abraham experience to a handful of close business associates in 1986. When they recognize the practical result being received by them and by others who were asking practical questions and then applying Abraham’s answer on their situation, hence since then both Esther and Jerry decided to allow the teaching of Abraham to become available to an ever-widening circle of seekers of how to live the happier life.


Ask and It is Given Summary
Ask and It is Given Summary

Ask and it is given is one of the most powerful books on manifesting your dreams. Every sentence and each paragraph of this book contains deep truths which you will find true and relative. This book shows us that how our emotions are the key to understanding whether we are moving on the road to success or on the road of failure. This book gave fun and deeply practical exercises such as magical creation box and the prosperity game. This book makes you young again help you to activate your imagination and everything suddenly becomes possible for you after reading this book. After reading this book you will understand the true meaning of the book. The message of this book is true and will help you to live happy positive life.

Let’s begin with Ask and It is Given Summary:

Chapter 1: The Power of Feeling Good Now

In this chapter author has specifically written to give you a better understanding of yourself and of everyone else around you author says the real knowledge comes from your own life experiences and while you will be constant gatherer of experience and knowledge, your life is not only about that author says that your life is also about fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy, author says that your life is about the continuing expression of who you truly are.

In this chapter author also talks about


Here author is talking to us at many level of our awareness, all at the same time, author says that you will only receive whatever you are now ready to receive,  author says that through their book everyone will not get the same thing but every reading of this book will net you something more, author say only those who understand every bit of this book will read this book many times, this book will help physical beings means we humans to understand their relationship to GOD And to all that they really are. This book will help you to understand who you really are and who you have been and where you are going and all that you continue to be.

Chapter 2: We Are Keeping Our Promise to You-We

In this chapter author have asked few questions – Do you know what you want? Do you that you are the creator of your own experiences?  Author asks like are you enjoying the evolution of your desire? Author asks are you enjoying the feel of the freshness of new desire which is generating in you.

Author says that if you answer these questions by YES, Then you are amongst those rare physical being (human being) who know and understands who they are and what this physical life experience is really all about.

Author says that if you come under those physical being who are not satisfied or happy with their lives, who are not happy in their moment in their relationships then you need to learn to live your life in present with happiness, in this chapter author has written things to reawaken the memory power within you and the inevitable success that pulses through the core of that which you really are. Author says that there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have, you should live your life in joy and happiness.

Chapter 3: You Do Create Your Own Reality

Author says the basis of our lives is absolute freedom, authors say that we people were born with an innate knowledge through which we can create our own reality, author says that knowledge in us is so basic that when someone attempts to thwart our own creation, we immediately feel discord within ourselves, author says that when we were born we knew that we are the creator of our own reality and desire of creating our own reality was  pulsed within us in a powerful way.


Chapter 4: How Can I Get There from Here?

Author says that there are few questions they have heard from physical friends and people that WHY IS IT TAKING THEM SO LONG TO GET WHAT THEY WANT?

Author says the answer for this is because you don’t want it enough, because you are not worthy enough or because you were late and someone else has already won your prize.

Author says the reason you have not got what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern which doesn’t get matched to the vibration of your desire.

Chapter 9: The Hidden Value Behind Your Emotional

Author says that your sense of sight is different from your sense of hearing and your sense of smell is different from your sense of touch, author says that even though they are different but still they are vibrational interpretation. Here author says that the moment you go near the hot stove, your sense of sight or your sense of smell or any other sense will not tell you that stove is hot but as you approach the stove with your body, the sensors in your skin will let you know that the stove is hot.

Author says that we people or physical being were born with sensitive, evolved, sophisticated translators of vibration that help us to understand and define our experience. Author says the same way we people were born with 5 physical senses to interpret our physical experiences, similarly we people were born with other sensors such as emotions which are further vibrational interpreters that help you understand, in the moment, the experiences that you are living.

Author says that Emotions are Indicators of your point of Attraction. Emotions are Indicators of your Alignment with source energy author says that we people should use our emotions to feel our way back to well-being.

This is the end of Ask and It is Given Summary. To understand these chapters in detail do buy this book from the given links:

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Buy Ask and It is Given on Amazon
Buy Ask and It is Given on Flipkart

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