The Happiness Trap Summary By Russ Harris
Blog Title: The Happiness Trap Summary By Russ Harris
Name: The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT
Author: Russ Harris
Download Audio Book For Free at: Audible
Book available in English at: Flipkart, Amazon
Book size: 240 pages
Before talking about The Happiness Trap Summary let’s first discuss the book’s author DR. Russ Harris, author of the international best-selling self-help book “THE HAPPINESS TRAP”, is a World Renowned trainer of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Russ’s background is in medicine.
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Though The Happiness Trap Summary, Russ gets straight to the heart of our culture’s obsession with happiness and appearing to be happy. Russ believes that people misleading idea about happiness is the reasons which directly contribute to the current epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression. Russ also says that we all feel that happiness is the expected natural state for all of us, and if we are not happy, we feel that there is something not right or there’s something wrong.
Are you stressed or do you feel stressed, worried, miserable or unhappy and still you put on a happy face and pretend as if everything is going really well, if you do this, don’t worry you are not alone, all these negative emotions are very common, directly or indirectly everyone is facing such issues in their life.
Here Russ tells us and wants us to know that we all are under the psychological trap, That is, the more we strive for happiness the more we suffer in the long term. The author says, that we all can escape from this Trap from the Happiness trap, if we use ACT i:e Acceptance and commitment therapy. This is a groundbreaking program based on mindfulness skills.
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This is an awesome book and this book is for every individual, whether that person is a CEO OR Salesman, this book is for youth, for young professional for housewives, for everyone, if you are lacking in confidence, facing illness, coping with loss, and if you are working in a high-stress job, or either you are preparing for your biggest performance of your life, this book will teach you very useful scientific techniques,
Which will help you to reduce your stress and worry, helps you to overcome your fear and rise above it, rise above your insecurities and doubts, helps you to handle your painful thoughts and feelings effectively, helps you to break your self-defeating habits, this book can help you to form better relationships and can make your life meaningful and successful.
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In The Happiness Trap Summary, Russ tells us what exactly happiness is?
Here author says, that happiness is something we all want, we crave for it, we strive for it. Here author says, that the word happiness has two different meanings, first is sense of pleasure, gladness or gratification, there is no doubt we all love happiness feeling, so we run for it, we chase them, however we forget that even happiness is a feeling and like any other feeling even happiness feeling will don’t last, it will slip from our hands and the harder we pursue pleasurable feeling, the more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
And now the other meaning of happiness is a rich, full and meaningful life, this kind of feeling comes when we act on the things we want truly when we move towards the direction that we think is valuable and worthy, this kind of feeling makes our life richly and meaningful life.
And we people usually chase the first definition of happiness and far interested in the second meaning of happiness than in the first. There is no doubt that happiness is a wonderful and a very pleasant feeling, but it is just a feeling, it will come and go. Nothing will stay, and if we try to always hold it, then we will get into negative emotions. The reality is, life involves pain, but the best part is we can learn to handle it in much better way. we can learn to deal it, to rise above all such pains and feelings and we have that strength in us to make and create a better life for ourselves.
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My thought,
Life can be very painful and stressful many a times, but our strength is more powerful than that pain and stress, never get worried about that bad situation or feeling, because that situation and negative feelings don’t know our strength, we are much stronger then we think. So rise above all those negative feelings and situation and come out of that happiness trap, face the real world and make your own real happy world.
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You can handle pain and can rise above and can create your own beautiful life and this book will teach you how to do so, this book is divided into three parts.
The Happiness Trap Summary Part 1:
here you will learn how to create and get stuck in the happiness trap, this is a really important and essential part so kindly don’t skip it, you can’t escape from the trap unless and until you don’t know how It works.
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The Happiness Trap Summary Part 2:
Here you will learn instead of avoiding such painful thoughts and feeling, you will learn to handle it properly and learn how to fundamentally transform your relationship with them, here you will also learn how to experience painful thoughts and feelings in a new way that will reduce their impact, take away its power and also decrease its influence over you and your life.
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The Happiness Trap Summary Part 3:
Here you will understand, that instead of running behind happy thoughts and feeling, you should always focus on creating rich and meaningful life, this feeling will give rise to a sense of vitality and fulfillment and this feeling is satisfying as well as long-lasting.
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Download Audio Book For Free at: Audible
Book available in English at: Flipkart, Amazon
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