Failing Forward Summary by John C. Maxwell
Blog Title: Failing Forward Summary by John C. Maxwell
Name: Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success
Author: John C. Maxwell
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Book size: 226 pages
Before discussing about the book Failing forward summary let’s first discuss the Author John c. Maxwell, He is well known as America’s Expert on leadership. John is a founder of INJOY Group, This organization helps people to increase their personal and leadership potential, Every year Maxwell does seminars and speak to more than 250,000 people and influence more than a million people lives, Maxwell influence people’s lives through his seminars, books, and tapes. John C. Maxwell is a best-selling author of more than 24 books which includes developing the leader within you, failing forward and many more.
Today’s book summary is on Failing forward, In this book author want us to know that the major difference between achieving people and average people is their way and perception towards reacting towards failure, in this book author has did a closer look towards a failure and also reveals that the secret of moving beyond failure is to take that failure as a stepping-stone, Because failure teaches us lessons which are invaluable, we people should accept the failure and should rise above it, when you accept failure and accept responsibility you learn about yourself and about your weaknesses, and when you stay honest with yourself and respect failure you will for sure grow. This amazing book Failing forward will teach us how failing can takes us forward.
This book starts with a preface, Becoming a Real Success,
Under preface, the author tells us that people need only 4 things to become successful or to succeed, and that is Relationship, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership, and to make it easier. Author has given it a short form that is REAL.
Let’s begin with Failing Forward Summary:
Chapter 1 of Failing Forward Summary:
Part 1: What’s the main difference between people who achieve and people who are Average?
Here author says that the thing which differentiates between average people and people who are achievers is their perception and response towards failure, here author says that people train them for success instead they should train themselves for failure, author says that disappointments are more widely spread and life is full of them, here author says that the question should never be like whether you will have problems in your life or not, but it should be how you going to handle it how you are going to face it or deal with it.
Here author has shared two approaches first failing backward and failing forward and asked to think in which approach you fit
Failing backward type of people always blame others for their problems, they always repeat same old mistakes, they expect not to fail again, they accept traditions blindly without logic, they stay limited to past mistakes, they think that they are failure and they easily quit
Failing forward kind of people always takes responsibility, they always learn from their mistake, they know and understand that yes failure is a part of success, they always maintain a positive attitude, they challenge outdated assumptions, they hard work and they never get afraid of change and take a risk for their dream and success.
Part 2: Redefining Failure
Here author say that Failure is Unavoidable, Here author say that you learn lessons from each mistakes and until and unless you don’t learn the same lesson or mistake will keep on repeating and if you don’t learn easy lessons then lessons will eventually become harder, here author says that pain is a way through which universe gets attention, you will come to know that you have learned lesson through your changed actions.
The author says that success is not a destination it’s a journey, failure and success Is like a two side of coin works the same way, You are the only person who can give yourself a label, like will you stay as a failure or will you make yourself a failure as well as to succeed. Failure is not final.
Chapter 2 of Failing Forward Summary: Get a New Definition of Failure and success
In chapter 2 author has shared story of a baseball player Tony Gwynn and Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A restaurant chain, they have given a new way or can say new definition to failure which he has explained as the price you pay for progress, here it says you wouldn’t have got that leaning and opportunity if you wouldn’t have to face the failure,
Chapter 3 of Failing Forward Summary:
Here the author has shared seven abilities which a person needs to fail forward.
1. Reject Rejection
Here author has shared that people who are achievers they don’t label themselves as failure when they see any problem or any situation instead they learn from mistakes in their judgment or behavior, they never base their self-worth on their performance instead they themselves have healthy self-image and they don’t allow themselves to get affected by external events or forces.
2. Don’t point fingers
Here author said that whenever failing backward people fail in their life they start blaming others for their lack of success, but they don’t understand that by pointing finger they get into victim mentality, when people play blame game they rob themselves of learning from their failures and blame others and refuse to take responsibility for their own mistakes.
3. See failure and Temporary
Here author say that achievers see problems as temporary hence they never stuck to their problems, there are two mindsets one who stuck to failure and another growing mindset who look for success, you must see failure as a momentary event, shouldn’t see it as a lifetime symptom,
4. Set Realistic expectation
Usually unrealistic expectations take people to failure example, if person hasn’t exercised for five years, then going to gym twice a week can be better goal for him instead of running for marathon next year, here author says that people sometimes insensibly expect to be perfect as we all know perfection is a myth, in this world no one can say that they haven’t failed in their life hence expect setbacks because its normal and prepare yourself emotionally and mentally to deal with it.
5. Focus on Strength
Here author says you people should focus on your strength, you should invest your time on your strength instead of wasting on flaws, you are born so that you can share your talent with the world, so be diligent about finding expression for them in your career.
6. Vary approaches to achievements
Here author says you should try various ways until you don’t find the way that actually works and gives you the top position.
7. Bounce back
Author says that setbacks gives negative emotions and eats your lot of time and self-confidence, but people who have achievers mindset they have short memories means they forget about those setbacks and negative emotions quickly and move forward towards their success, when they learn from their failure they also realize that they can’t change their past but present and future is in their control.
This book contains many more chapters which have many examples so to understand each chapter in detail, do buy this book from the given links:
Download Failing Forward at: Audible
Buy Failing Forward at: Amazon
Buy Failing Forward at: Flipkart
very interesting article. we should learn from our failure because failure is the first step of achieving success. we should not regret about failure. thanks zessan bro.
Awesome book its very very helpful in our life it changes the paradigm of failure
Amazingly extracted the whole essense of book. Thank you
Great Sir… thanks