


Refund / Cancelation Policy

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

SeeKen is proud to offer a 100% No-Risk Double-Guarantee. This means that if you give SeeKen a try and decide within the first 7 days to cancel/return your order, we’ll provide a full refund.

We firmly believe in and stand behind our product 100%. However, we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. Our team doesn’t offer a trial version of any product/course. If this product/course doesn’t meet your expectations, we will refund you within 7 days of your original purchase.

A couple of small points:

  • We will process your refund as soon as we’re able to. In some cases we might ask you for the opportunity to resolve the issue for you.
  • Refunds may only be issued within 7 days of the purchase date. After 7 days no refunds can be processed.

To submit a refund request, please contact us here.

Please note that by purchasing the product/course, you agree to the terms of the Refund Policy.